Announcements, Fri., 09-03-2021
September 3, 2021Good morning! Today is Tuesday, September 7th
Students are reminded that everyone is required to bring their school ID with them each day. Those of you who do not have one will be issued one after picture day at the end of the month.
Mr. Moody’s High school Art Club will be meeting each Tuesday in N-371 after school until 3:30. Come for some fun open studio time and art making with friends!
National Art Honor Society will meet each Thursday during lunch in Mr. Moody’s room.
There will be another BSU meeting Today, directly after school in Mr. Courtney’s room. It’s in the green wing on the 2nd floor.
Attention middle school students: when you enter and exit the secondary building, there should be no running or yelling, in the commons areas or in the stairwells. We are expecting mature behavior of all secondary students. Please live up to our expectations. Also, Remember: always walk on the RIGHT side of the stairs so that we can all safely navigate the stairwells.
Any high school student who loves science is welcome to join the high school Science Olympiad team! Students interested in joining Science Olympiad should plan to attend our first meeting on Monday, September 13 after school in Mrs. Davis’s Classroom, Room 330.
Please pause for a moment of silence:
Please stand for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a great day, Blue Wave!
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