Announcements, Tue., 08-10-2021
August 10, 2021Good morning! Today is Tuesday, August 10th.
Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year! We hope you had a wonderful summer vacation and are ready to get the learning underway! We encourage you to set your intention on making this the best school year possible.
Please note that the bell schedule for the year is available on the school website under the information tab. Please remember the first and last 10 minutes of each period is protected time. Students should be in their classes during this time.
Many of you have questions about chrome books and schedule adjustments. August 12th is the first day that chrome books will start getting passed out. You will have non-digital work until your chrome books are issued.
Schedule change requests cannot be submitted today. Counselors will begin receiving these tomorrow through Friday. Here is the Schedule Change Process:
Wednesday, August 11: High School students Obtain Schedule Change Request form from Main Office; Middle School students obtain schedule change forms on the second floor from Mrs. Carbajalas (formerly Ms. Schmidt).
Thursday, August 12 – Friday, August 13: Return signed form to Main Office This form must be signed by a parent/guardian.
Counselors will take it from there!
Students traveling to and from lunch or to classes outside of the main secondary building must use the main office doors and circle around the building to the cafeteria or other campus buildings. The mosaic doors will not be available at this time due to construction.
Remember that the elevator may only be used if you have an elevator pass from the school nurse. Use of the elevator without a pass is an automatic discipline referral.
What happens after school?
After school Campus supervision is in the cafeteria from 2:30-3:15pm and moves to the commons from 3:15-4:00 pm. At 4 pm, students not participating in an after school activity should exit the campus.
Teachers, just a reminder to provide each student with a code of conduct packet to be signed and returned. Middle school students need a PE waiver form as well. Additional packets of forms can be located at the circulation desk in the first floor commons.
Did you know that there is a state law that requires all public school students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance daily at school? We will do this at the end of our morning announcements each day. The actual recitation part is optional, but all students are expected to stand unless a written note from a parent or guardian is provided to the front office excusing a student from participating in the Pledge. Now you know!
So…please stand for the pledge:
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful first day, Blue Wave!
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