Announcements, Tue., 10.20.2020
October 20, 2020Good morning! Today is Tuesday, October 20th.
Congratulations to golfers Ian Lentz and Kaitlyn Huber. Both shot even par at the regional tournament and will advance to the state championship.
Attention high school students interested in attending the University of Florida. We will be hosting a virtual information session with our UF rep Wednesday, Oct 21st, at 11:30am in zoom. Please check the high school counseling Canvas page announcements for the zoom link. Session is open to all interested high school students and we especially encourage 11th and 12th grade students to attend. Reach out to Mrs. Theiss or Mr. Chambliss if you have questions or for more information. See you there!
National Honor Society applications are due this Friday, October 23rd. All students who are eligible for NHS were invited to apply via your Canvas Inbox. Please contact Ms. Roach with any questions.
Seniors – if you missed this week’s senior seminar on college essays, check out the link for the recorded session in the Senior Canvas course. On Wednesday, Oct. 21st, we will meet again at 10 to write our resumes. Whether you’re applying to colleges or applying for jobs, having a resume is crucial. Check out the announcements section of canvas for the zoom link.
Hey. it’s college application season. Starting today, Ms. Theiss and Mr. Chambliss will have their zoom room open for students to come and ask questions about their college application. It happens between 12-12:45 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For the link and more updates, please make sure to check the High School Counseling canvas page announcements. Also check out the new mini video series for your college prep needs found in the same canvas page under modules.
Reminder, Seniors with November 1st college application deadlines need to have set up their Common Application and/or Coalition accounts and requested counselor and teacher recommenders no later than Thursday, October 22nd. This will ensure that school staff can complete their piece of the application by the deadline. Reminder, counselors and teachers do not monitor these accounts after school hours and on weekends. Meeting these deadlines are the student’s responsibility. Please Canvas message Mr. Chambliss or Mrs. Theiss with questions.
High school art club will meet in Mr. Moody’s Zoom room today and every Tuesday at 2:30. Come join us for some social time with others interested in art, sharing our artwork, and a fun challenge from Mr. Moody to be shared the following Tuesday. Hope to see you there!
Please stand for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a great day, Blue Wave!
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