Announcements, Wednesday 02.05.2020
February 5, 2020Today is Wednesday, February 5th, and it is a B Day.
Congratulations to the girls soccer team for their 2-0 win in the district semi-finals versus Crescent City last night. The team advances to the district final on Thursday night at 7pm. Free Blue Wave Soccer Tee for the first 50 students who purchase a ticket to the Girls Soccer Game THIS THURSDAY night at 7:00pm. Tickets cost $6. Come cheer on the team as they try to win the District Championship!
Tickets are on sale now for Guys and Dolls in the business office or see Dr. Harris for special faculty and staff tickets. Tickets are $15 for orchestra seats, $12 for all other seats. You don’t want to miss this musical with Gangsters, Gambling, Show girls, a trip to Havana, Cuba and a crap game in the Sewer. Tons of fun. Don’t miss it. February 21 and 22 @7pm. February 27, 28, 29 @7pm and a matinee on Saturday February 29th at 2pm.
There will be a high school National Honor Society meeting in DR. WELLER’S classroom on Monday, February 10th, during high school lunch.
Members should bring socks for the sock drive and toys if they have not dropped them off yet. Please remember to meet in Dr. Weller’s classroom instead of the PAC.
A reminder to Students and Teachers from Administration:
Personal technology, including cell phones and airpods should be put away in backpacks during class time. When students leave the classroom to use the restroom, personal technology should not be taken with them, but should remain in backpacks. Students are welcome to use their personal technology between classes, during lunch, and after school. PKY is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal technology. Teachers, thank you for your help in consistently enforcing this policy across classrooms.
The second blood drive of the year will take place on Thursday, February 6th from 8 AM – 3:30 PM. Sign ups for the drive will take place during lunch on February 5th. Anyone 16 years of age or older is encouraged to donate. All donors must show a picture ID in order to donate. 16-year-old donors must have written parental consent in order to donate. Parental consent forms are available in the front office.
Creative Photography Club after school photo shoot celebrating 100 years of women’s voting rights will be TODAY at 1:45 in Ms Johnson’s room.
Do you like to play Smash Bros? Pong? How about card games? Come join us on Saturday, February 8th from 12-4 for the first ever PKY Tournament Arc! Cost is $7 and including pizza, drinks, and all day access to all the games. The top winners in each category will receive prizes. Funds raised will go to help the students traveling to Europe this summer. We will also have a bake sale for when your sugar runs low. There are fliers around school with the QR code to scan for registration. See Lorenzo, Mrs. Koppitch, or Mr. Moody for more information.
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.
Teen Dating Violence (TDV) is more common than many people think. According to the Center for Disease Control, one in three teens in the U.S. will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by someone they are in a relationship with before they become adults; and nearly half (43%) of college women report experiencing violent and abusive dating behaviors. By joining together, we can spread awareness and stop dating abuse before it starts!
School Resource Officer John Savona and the UF Office of Victim Services will be teaming up to provide information and events to the Blue Wave community. More information and events will be announced throughout the month. Wear orange to create awareness and support TDV Survivors!
Attention Thespians!
Our monthly meeting will be held Thursday during High School lunch in the theatre room. Information about induction into the National organizational will be discussed.
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