Announcements: Monday, 9.16.19
September 16, 2019Monday, September 16, 2019
Today is Monday, September 16, and it is a B Day.
Hello Seniors! Saturday, September 28 from 9 A.M. to 12 P.M., seniors will be painting their parking spots! Come to the senior class government meeting September 19 in Lemstrom’s room to reserve your spot. You will need to bring $10 cash to the meeting, and bring your own paint and brushes on the day of painting. First come first serve for spots, so make sure you are at this meeting! For more information look at the flyers posted around school or talk to your senior class government! You must already have a parking decal from the business office in order to reserve a senior parking spot.
All UNICEF members our school cleaning day has been changed to Wednesday after school. Please remember that books donations and books cover are also due September 18.
Do you love science? Do you love competing? Join Science Olympiad! Any high school student interested in joining the Science Olympiad team should stop by room Q-502, Mrs. Davis’s room (Dr. MacDonald’s old room), to pick up a permission form. Permission forms are due by Thursday.
Do you have brothers, sisters, cousins, parents, aunts, uncles, or even grandparents who went to PK, too? Our yearbook wants to feature PK families this year. Check out the link on the yearbook page and fill out the survey if you want to be a part of the PK Families page in the yearbook!
THESPIANS: We are in full swing for district IE’s . All events must be registered with Ms. Snyder by Wednesday. Go Thespians!
Fall Baseball will start TOMORROW from 4-6pm. Practices will be every Tuesday and Thursday . This for 6-12th grades. All players must attend study hall immediately after school; baseball study hall will meet in the west side of the cafeteria. All players must have a current sports physical on file with Coach Barrett before they can practice or play fall baseball. Players need to wear shorts, a T-shirt, hat and cleats; also bring a pair of running shoes. If you have not let Coach Brunson know that you are interested in participating in Fall Baseball, please see him during lunch this week.
Attention Seniors: The first Senior Seminar of the year is this Wednesday in the PAC right after school. This week we will cover time management and go over some ways to stay ahead of everything. We’ll see you there!
Key Club is holding a hurricane relief drive through Friday, September 27th. Please bring in donations of baby items, metal nails, toiletries, feminine hygiene products, blankets, batteries, canned goods, and gallons of water to Mr. Lemstrom in K-332 or Ms. Andrews in O-362.
High School students: This week you will nominate peers for the Homecoming Court. Be thinking about who you want to nominate. Details coming soon on the morning announcements later in the week. Stay tuned!
Today’s lunch is…. (SEE MENU)
BTW: The food truck will be here next Monday, Sept. 23rd.
Please stand for the pledge: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful day!
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