Rebecca Schackow Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 x264 Email: Phone: Email: Phone:

Soccer (Girls)

Welcome to Girls Soccer at PK Yonge!

Please find information about our program using the links, below.

Stay up to date with announcements, events and changes to events through our social media platforms:

Go Blue Wave!

Are you interested in trying out for a Girls Middle School soccer team or Girls JV soccer team? Please email to let her know of your interest. Thanks!

Coaching Staff:

Tryouts 2024: Oct 14-18

Roster: Available on MaxPreps


Purchase Tickets:

Results and Media:

Spirit Wear: Purchase apparel and accessories at our Concession Stand and at the PKY Winter Market!

Day Camp for Kids:

Be a Ball Kid at a Home Game!:


Rebecca Schackow Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 x264
Email: Phone:
Email: Phone: