Grisell Santiago

Contact Information
Email: gsantiago@pky.ufl.eduPhone: 352.392.1554
B.S., Spanish, University of Central Florida
M.A., Spanish Literature, University of Central Florida
Grisell Santiago has been teaching since 2003, and has been at P.K. Yonge since 2005. Prior to being at P.K., Grisell taught at the University of Central Florida.
Grisell teaches Spanish and sponsors the Hispanic Honor Society and the Global Awareness/UNICEF club. She oversees the Global Scholars Award, the Seal of Biliteracy, and the Rosa Rabell Scholarship.
She has received awards and accolades including:
2019-2020 ACTFL Teaching and Learning Culture SIG Award
2016-2017 P.K. Yonge Teacher of the Year
2014-2015 High School Excellence in Education Award, State of Florida
2011-2012 Teacher of the Year, Florida American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (FAATSP)