Angela Flavin

Contact Information
Email: aflavin@pky.ufl.eduPhone: 352.392.1554
B.A., Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of Florida
M.Ed., Special Education, University of Florida
Reading Endorsement
Gifted certification
Dyslexia certification
Angela Flavin is a university school assistant professor at P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School. During her employment at P.K. Yonge she has worked in several positions such as: Speech Language Therapist, 1st grade instructor, 3rd grade instructor, 4/5 instructor, and K-6 support teacher. She is currently a member of the second and third grade learning community and serves as their learning community leader.
Her interests include gardening, children’s literature, college football, and anything related to outer space. Originally from Colorado, she lives in High Springs with her sons, Jack and Tommy, and husband, Kevin.
“Honey is sweet and so is knowledge, but knowledge is like the bee that made that sweet honey, you have to chase it through the pages of a book.”
Patricia Polacco (author of Thank You Mr. Falker)