School Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council serves in advisory capacity and as a resource to the director and principal. Membership includes director and principal; and elected parents, teaching faculty, and staff. A UF College of Education representative is selected in consultation with the Dean. Community members are appointed by the director.

Chair: Dr. Marisa Stukey
Co-Chair: Mo Deel Coleman
Secretary: Dr. Sarah Bell

Download: School Advisory Council Bylaws (approved March 2023)
Download: School Advisory Council Membership 2024-2025

SAC meetings are held from 5:30-7:00 p.m on the 2nd Tuesday of  the following months:  September, November, February, and April.

Current meeting agendas, minutes, and documents are found below. Visit SAC Documents to find meeting agendas, minutes, and documents from past years.

Current School Year Agendas | Minutes | Documents

P.K. Yonge community members can request to be on the agenda. At least a week before the meeting, email Dr. Hayes and Dr. Stukey with your request. Opening statements for community agenda requests should be less than three (3) minutes.

Date Agenda Minutes Documents
September 10 Agenda Minutes SAC Member Training 24-25
School Improvement Plan Data
ESE Policies and Procedures
Proposed Calendar 2025-2026
Faculty Travel Requests
November 12 Agenda Minutes Faculty Travel Requests
Activity Fee Draft Budget 2024-25
January 13 Update Recording
February 18
Agenda Minutes Activity Fee 2024-25 Mid Year Update
Activity Fee 2025-26 Draft
Parent Engagement and Family PlanFaculty Travel Requests
April 8

Responsibilities of SAC

Responsibilities include developing and implementing the School Improvement Plan, overseeing allocation of funds to school improvement, and provide annual review, input, and approval of use of activity fees. [FS 1001.452; FS 1002.32.8(a)(1)]

School Recognition Funds

At the November meeting, the SAC reviews and approves the faculty proposal for distribution of school recognition funds. (FS 1008.36)

Faculty Travel Requests

The SAC accepts, reviews, and approves use of school improvement funds to support teacher travel to make presentations at local, state, and national conferences.

Activity Fees (FS 1002.32.5)

The mission of P.K. Yonge Activity Fees was clarified by a SAC Subcommittee and approved by SAC May, 2012: The P.K. Yonge activity fee allows all students an equal opportunity to be enriched by the school experience. This fee is used to support student activities and services beyond the core instruction programs. Student fees will not be used to support facilities or school operations. The P.K. Yonge School Advisory Council reviews and approves the Activity Fees budget each year.