8th–12th Grade School Counselors
Catherine Walker
9th-10th Grade School Counselor
IMPORTANT: P.K. Yonge Community Resource Guide
DCF Report Abuse Hotline: 1 (800) 962-2873
P.K. Yonge is committed to protecting students inside and outside of the classroom. Should you need to report harm being done to you or others, please call the Department of Children and Families Report Abuse Hotline: 1 (800) 962-2873.
Mental Health Resource Information
8th–12th Grade School Resources
Transcripts/Academic Records
*To request a transcript or academic records, complete the Transcript/Records Release Request form and bring it to the Main Office, fax it to #352-392-9559, or scan and email it to records@pky.ufl.edu. Students over 18 years of age must submit their own requests. Please note, that the first five (5) transcripts are provided free of charge; each additional transcript thereafter is $5.00.