K/1 Learning Community

The Kindergarten and First Grade Learning Community lays the groundwork for the P.K. Yonge School Community. In K-1, we work hard to create a strong foundation for and love of learning.  We value the social, emotional and behavioral development of students as well as their academic achievements. We strive to create independent learners and thinkers who are confident to take risks in their learning. We believe in developing a growth mindset and persevering through our challenges. We believe in the Power of Yet; just because we can’t do something right now just means we can’t do it…YET!

Ways we are UNIQUE!

  • We value the developmental importance of play! We use our Pretend Center to encourage and promote play.
  • We create a student-run pizza restaurant called Pizza by the Creek!
  • We have a certified Butterfly Garden! We learn about the butterfly life cycle by hosting monarch caterpillars in our classroom and garden. We also visit the Butterfly Rainforest at the Florida Museum of Natural History.


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