
The nurse is available to students who become ill or are injured while at school. In no way is the school nurse a substitute for a student’s medical doctor. If a student becomes ill or injured during school, she/he is to come to the clinic unless physically unable to do so. If too ill to attend class, arrangements are made from the clinic for the student to go home. The purpose of the clinic is to maintain student’s health and to minimize class absences. The school clinic is not intended to be an infirmary.

According to school policy, no student may carry medication on his/her person while at school with the exceptions of allergy reaction kits or asthma inhalers.

Please remember to update your Medication Administration forms each school year!

School Nurse: Eva Gonzalez, RN BSN
352.294.7293 |

Administration of Medication

Administration of medications at school can be performed only if medication schedules cannot be adjusted to provide for administration at home or in a case of emergency. Prior to medication administration medication forms must be renewed at the beginning of every school year or if medication prescription changes. Please see the forms below for medication administration.

Medication Administration (General)
Medication Administration (Self)

The forms are also required for self-carried EpiPens and inhalers. It is critical that we are aware of the availability of any potentially life-saving medications for your child. Inhalers or EpiPens are not stocked in the clinic.

The clinic has over-the-counter pain medication, Benadryl, and topical antihistamines in case of an allergic reaction or serious illnesses. However, your child may require administration of over-the-counter medication during school hours (ie pain relievers for headache, migraines, menstrual cramps, allergy medicine, etc.). We ask parents to provide the medication with a written approval form.

All medications must be in the original medication container and within expiration date. Medications will not be administered if medication is expired. All medication bottles must have your child’s first and last name clearly printed on it.

Attention to all returning parents’/guardians, medications that were brought to the clinic in the prior school year will not carry over to this school year. End of the year medication procedures requires all left over medications to be discarded using CDC suggested guidelines. A new parental consent form is required as well as new medication bottle for over-the-counter medication administration each year. At the end of the year the nurse will notify parent/guardian at least two weeks before the end of school that they must pick up any remaining medication by a specific date.

If your child has food allergies, please submit the Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations to the Cafeteria.

Clinic Forms

Medication Administration (General)
Medication Administration (Self)
Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations
Seizure Action Plan

Health Screenings

Florida Statute requires school staff to conduct health screenings annually. The following assessments will be done:

Kindergarten – Vision, hearing

1st grade – height, weight, BMI, vision, and hearing

3rd grade – height, weight, BMI, vision, and dental screening

6th Grade – height, weight, BMI, vision, hearing, and scoliosis screening

Health screenings are informational only. Abnormal results are to be discussed with your family healthcare provider. If prefer your child to not participate in this year’s health screening process please notify the school in writing.

Flu Vaccine Clinic

The FluMist vaccine clinic will be offered right here at school on October 16, 2023. The FluMist vaccinations will be offered through the Alachua County Health Department. In order for your child to receive the vaccinations, written consent is required. Forms will be sent home with students and can be returned to the nurse or main office by Friday, October 6.

Elementary Parents

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! Please read the attached Letter Regarding Head Lice for help in avoiding the transmission of head lice in the elementary school. Please read and follow the guidelines in the letter carefully. We need your help in avoiding cases of head lice in the elementary school. Thank you for your cooperation!


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to contact the Clinic (352) 294-7293. If you need to drop off any medications and forms the Clinic is located in the Elementary Building E 1430 room 102. In addition, forms can be faxed to (352) 392-9559 or email them to


State of Florida Health Insurance Option: Florida KidCare