About Dr. Jon Mundorf
Associate University School Professor
8th Grade English
Dr. Jon Mundorf is an award-winning teacher and researcher at P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School at the University of Florida, a public K-12 school tasked with developing innovative solutions to educational concerns and disseminating successful instructional programs to other school districts. With 22 years of teaching experience in Florida public schools, Dr. Mundorf has worked in elementary, secondary, and university settings, including two years as the Teacher in Residence at the University of Florida College of Education. He is currently a university school associate professor teaching 8th grade English language arts, leading the Wayfinderssummer literacy programs at P.K. Yonge, and serving as affiliate faculty in the University of Florida Lastinger Center for Learning.
Dr. Mundorf is an internationally recognized expert in inclusive education. He shares his classroom-based experiences and research with educators at conferences and workshops worldwide. His teaching and research interests include Universal Design for Learning, culturally and linguistically sustaining pedagogy, information literacy, practitioner research, and technology integration. His work has reached audiences ranging from the New Zealand Ministry of Education to school systems in major cities such as Chicago, New York, and San Francisco, as well as the National Conference of the Japanese Academy of Learning Disabilities. He also served for over a decade as an invited faculty member at the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Programs in Professional Education. His writings have been published in the International Journal of Teacher Leadership, English Leadership Quarterly, Japanese Journal of Learning Disabilities, Journal of Special Education Technology, Middle School Journal, The New Educator, and Ohio Journal of English Language Arts. This school year, he has presented at the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) Annual Conference, and the Leadership for Professional Learning Symposium (LfPL) in Santiago, Chile.
In addition to his research and teaching, Dr. Mundorf is deeply involved in professional organizations and school leadership. He is a co-founder of the All Y’all Social Justice Collective and serves on the English Leadership Quarterly Editorial Board, CAST UDL Rising to Equity Advisory Board, English Educator Preparation Institute (EPI) Advisory Board, and the University of Florida College of Education Elementary Education Advisory Board. At P.K. Yonge, he has served twice as Faculty Policy Council Chair, hosts international visitors and pre-service teachers, serves on many school committees, and leads outreach initiatives to disseminate the school’s innovative practices.
When he’s not teaching, writing, or presenting, Jon enjoys epic road trips with his family, backyard gardening, attending concerts, hiking, believing that THIS is the year for his beloved Cleveland sports teams, reading, and coaching P.K. Yonge Middle School baseball. He lives in Gainesville, Florida, with his wife Laura, their two children, and two dogs.
B.S., Elementary Education, Bowling Green State University
M.Ed., Curriculum and Instruction, Florida Gulf Coast University
Ed.D., Curriculum and Instruction, University of Florida
Teacher Research Inquiry
Practitioner Research Inquiry Topics
2023-24 Teaching in The Matrix: AI-Powered Pedagogy in Middle School Classrooms
2022-23 * This Matters to Me: Lessons in Listening to Teenagers About Meaningful Learning Experiences
2021-22 * Assessing Students’ Information Literacy Skills and Dispositions: A PKY/IALT/STL Partnership
2019-20 * Wisdom Begins in Wonder: Implementing Identity-Based Information Literacy Instruction across the Content Areas
2018-19 * Passionate Readers: Independent Reading & Learner Agency in 8th Grade ELA
2017-18 * Why Are We Reading This?: Engaging Expert Information Seekers Through Inquiry
2016-17 * Technology Integration to Meet the Needs of All Learners
2015-16 * Multiple Interpretations: Creating Student-Centered Literature Instruction
Recent Publications
Boehm, S., Mundorf, J., Miley, J., & Commeret, M. (2023). Rethinking teacher preparation: Three playful shifts for supporting new teachers. English Leadership Quarterly, 45(3), 13-18.
Hines, C.M., Mundorf, J., Miley, J., & Del Riego, J. (2022). Repositioning Recommended/Required Texts to Build Curricular Bridges: Incorporating Superhero Comics into Secondary ELA Classrooms. English Leadership Quarterly, 45(2), 16-22.
Mundorf, J., Miller, C., Hines, C., Worlds, M., & Del Riego, J. (2021). When the curriculum needs rescuing: Superhero graphic novels as disruptive curricular forces. Ohio Journal of English Language Arts, 60(2), 25-30.
Mertens, G., Mundorf, J., Bainter, T., Bourn, J. & Kohnen, A. (2021) Wisdom begins in wonder: Implementing identity-based information literacy instruction across the content areas. Middle School Journal, 52:2, 38-47.
Mundorf, J. , Beckett, B., Boehm, S., Flake, C., & Miller, C., (2019). From the voices of teachers: Envisioning social justice teacher leadership through portraits of practice. International Journal of Teacher Leadership, 11(1).
Recent Presentations
Mundorf, J., Kohnen, A., Dawson, K., Lemstrom, E., & Bourn, J. (2023). Assessing Students’ Information Literacy Skills and Dispositions: A PKY/IALT/STL Partnership. Inquiries and Investigations Symposium. P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School at the University of Florida. January 6.
Hines, C., Mundorf, J., Rodriguez-Astacio, R., Miley, J., Del Riego, J., & Miller, C. (2022) You Too Can Wear the Mask: Illuminating Superhero Narratives as Justice-Oriented Pedagogies in the ELA Classroom and Beyond. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA. November 17.
Boehm, S., Mundorf, J., Miley, J., Commeret, M., & Franklin, L. (2022) Supporting New ELA Teachers by Learning to Play. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention , Anaheim, CA. November 18.
Vetere, T., Chapman, S., Coleman-King, C., Mundorf, J., Dana, N., & Weisberg, L. (2022) Designing An Equity-Centered Teacher Education Program: Promise and Possibility. Association of Teacher Educators’ Annual Meeting. February 14.
Mundorf, J., Hines, C., Miller, C., Del Riego, J., & Worlds, M. (2021). Fighting for Justice-oriented ELA Curriculum: Superhero Graphic Novels and Multimodalities in Our Socio-Political Landscape. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention. November 18.
Mundorf, J. (2021) Inclusive Education. USAID Virtual Exchange on Inclusive Education. Minsk, Belarus. June 1.
Mundorf, J., Miller, C., Hines, C., Worlds, M., & Del Riego, J. (2020) When the Canon Needs Rescuing: Superheroes as a Disruptive Force. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention. November 21.
Mundorf, J. (2020) Designing Learning Environments to Support the Mental Health Needs of Students. Florida Gulf Coast University Children & Youth Mental Health Conference. November 14.
Minor, C., Dingle, M., Miller, C., Minor, K., Fortin, E., & Mundorf, J. (2020) UDL Rising: Naming, Disrupting, and Dismantling Barriers to Equity (panel). CAST UDL Symposium. August 5.
Mundorf, J. (2020) Universal Design for Learning: Theory to Practice. Kamehameha Schools Hawaiʻi Campus. Keaau, Hawai’i. February 18
Beckett, B., Flake, C., Mundorf, J., Miller, C., & Boehm, S. (2019). English Teacher Inquiry as Pedagogy, Research, and Leadership. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention. Baltimore, Maryland. November 22
Mundorf, J. (2019). Passionate Readers: Independent Reading & Learner Agency in 8th Grade ELA. Inquiries and Investigations Symposium. P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School at the University of Florida. September 20.
Mundorf, J. (2019). Universal Design for Learning: Theory to Practice. New Zealand Ministry of Education. Wellington, New Zealand. July 26.
Mundorf, J. (2019) Expert Learning. TechFest 2019. Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board. Kingston, Ontario, Canada. April 5.
Fu, D., Kohnen, A., Mundorf, J., Mertens, G., & Wang, B. (2018) Helping Students Become “Expert Information Seekers”: Results from a Pilot Study. National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention. Houston, Texas. November 25.
Mundorf, J. (2018). Why Are We Reading This?: Engaging Expert Information Seekers Through Inquiry. Inquiries and Investigations Symposium. P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School at the University of Florida. September 21.
Mundorf, J. (2018) Leading with Universal Design for Learning. Opening Doors, Closing Gaps Summer Institute for Special Education Directors, Principals and School Leadership Teams. Spokane, Washington. August 6-7.
Hartmann, E. & Mundorf, J. (2018) Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice. Harvard Graduate School of Education, Programs in Professional Education. Harvard Principals’ Center Program, Leadership: An Evolving Vision, Cambridge, Massachusetts. July 12.
Mundorf, J. & Gabbard, C. (2018) Inquire, Investigate, Innovate: UDL at the Intersection of School Improvement Goals. Universal Design for Learning Implementation and Research Network (UDL-IRN). UDL-IRN International Summit, Orlando, Florida. April 25-27.
Good, J., Marino, M., Mundorf, J., & Vasquez, E.(2018) Universal Design for Learning: Town Hall Discussion. Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA). ATIA Conference, Orlando, Florida. February 2.
Davis, D., Zabala, J., Basham, J., & Mundorf, J. (2017) Universal Design for Learning. RtI Innovations in Education Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. October 12-13.
Dana, N., MacDonald, M., & Mundorf, J. (2017) Leadership, Inquiry, and the Developmental Research School Teacher. Inquiries and Investigations Symposium. P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School at the University of Florida. September 20.
Mundorf, J. (2017) Universal Design for Learning. Harvard Graduate School of Education, Programs in Professional Education. Harvard Principals’ Center Program, Leadership: An Evolving Vision, Cambridge, Massachusetts. July 13.
More about Dr. Mundorf
- All Along: How a little idea called Universal Design for Learning has grown to become a big idea — elastic enough to fit every kid (Harvard Ed. Magazine, 2014)
- P.K. Yonge teacher uses various methods to help students learn (Gainesville Sun, 2016)
- How Outstanding Young Alum Saved His Teaching Career (UF College of Education, 2016)
- Design Considerations from the Universal Design for Learning Perspective (Kennedy Krieger Institute, 2016)
- Classroom of the Month (Six Word Memoirs, 2017)
- UDL for the Wizarding World (UDL-IRN, 2018)
- Faculty Advocacy in D.C. (P.K. Yonge, 2019)
- Recognising Diversity Empowers Teachers (New Zealand Education Gazette, 2019)