It is important to be at school on time. If students arrive late, they miss class time and may disrupt the learning of others. Students are tardy if they come to school after the beginning of the school day or if they are not in their classrooms when the tardy bell rings.
An absence is defined as missing more than 50% of a class period for middle/high school students or 50% of the school day for elementary. Students are required to make up all missed assignments and tests.
If a student does not meet the minimum attendance requirements with the P.K. Yonge Attendance Policy, P.K. Yonge has the right to:
- Dismiss the student from P.K. Yonge.
- Not permit re-enrollment at P.K. Yonge.
- Limit or deny involvement with extracurriculars, including but not limited to sports, field trips, performances, prom, and assemblies.
Email with excuse notes or attendance issues.
Excused Absences per Semester
If a student is absent with parental permission, upon the student’s return to school, parents/guardians must justify each absence via a doctor’s note, a written parent note, or other written official documentation as described in the Attendance Policy (located on the Policies page). Written documentation must include a student’s name, grade, date of absence, reason for absence, parent’s name (and signature, when written communication), and daytime phone number for verification. An email may also be sent to:
PLEASE NOTE: Phone calls to the attendance office are NOT ADEQUATE documentation for an excused absence.
All absences not justified within two (2) school days of the student’s return to school will remain unexcused.
- Six (6) parent notes per semester allowed.
- Absences may be excused for illness, medical appointments, major family events, and/or court appearances.
- Excuse notes must be submitted within two (2) days of student returning to school.
- Excuse notes can be provided by parent/guardian, doctor, court, and/or coaches; only six (6) absences per semester may be excused by parental written note for reasons that are excusable (i.e., sickness, major family events, medical appointments).
- Medical notes must contain specific date(s) student was under a doctor’s care.
- No more than two (2) consecutive days may be excused by one (1) parent note.
Pre-Arranged Absences
Pre-arranged absences are submitted seven (7) days in advance of the absence and approved by the Principal. A Pre-Arranged Absence Request is completed by a parent/guardian and submitted to the Principal. Pre-arranged absences may be requested for medical procedures, significant family events (e.g. weddings or funerals), or school-sponsored events/activities.
Pre-arranged absences will NOT be granted for family vacations or leisure activities.
Missed Assignments & Examinations
Upon a student’s return to school from an excused absence, the student shall have a reasonable amount of time, up to five (5) school days after the date of return to school, to complete the missed assignments or examinations. The Principal may grant extensions to the time limit for extenuating circumstances. It is the responsibility of the student to pursue this option with the teacher.
For further detail, please review the Attendance Policy on the Policies page.
- May be approved by the Principal for medical procedures, significant family events (weddings/funerals), or school-sponsored activities.
- Requests must be submitted at least seven (7) days in advance of absence; forms are available on the school website.
- Absences for family vacations or leisure activities will NOT be approved.
The bell rings at 7:55 a.m. Students should be in class and ready to learn by 8:00 a.m. Students that arrive to class after 8:00 a.m. will be marked tardy.
- 4 Unexcused Tardies = 1 Unexcused Absence
- 4 or More Unexcused Tardies = after school detention for middle/high students (5 minutes per tardy, minimum 20 minutes)
Elementary Tardies:
After 8:15 a.m., parents will need to park and walk their student to the main office to be signed in. A student aide will then escort the tardy student to the elementary building.
1st Period Secondary Tardies:
After 8:00 a.m., students should report to the tardy kiosk in the main office for a tardy slip.
2nd–4th Period Secondary Tardies:
Once the bell rings after the passing period, students are late and should report to the tardy kiosk in the main office for a tardy slip.
Parents and guardians have access to Skyward Gradebook and are able to view grades, assignments, and attendance. Skyward Gradebook shows the date and class period in which a student’s attendance is recorded. If attendance information is incorrect, please contact the teacher to resolve the issue.