Class Reunions

P.K. Yonge Class Reunions are the responsibility of the graduating class leaders and members of the class celebrating. The design, planning, choice of venues, and financial considerations are to be handled by the members of the class. There may also be opportunities to work with the PKY Alumni task force for some specific components of the event. P.K. Yonge is supportive of reunions and can avail the campus for a tour and a brief update on the progress of the school. P.K. Yonge assumes no risk or liability for class reunions.


PK Campus Tours/Lunch Area

The school (administrator and current PK Student Government members) may offer to give a tour of the campus or allow areas of the school to be used for a brief get-together, such as providing picnic tables for a lunch supplied by the class.


General Reunion Suggestions from Previous Successful Events:

  • Establish a manageable but well-represented Planning Committee.
  • Create a networking plan. Reach classmates through phone, email, social media, friends, and/or parents.
  • Contact P.K. Yonge first for open dates if any use of the school is to be requested.
  • Develop and circulate a survey with focused choices as to options for the gathering.
  • Appoint specific committees to oversee different selected events.
  • Talk to previous reunion organizers who were successful. 
  • Publish the dates a long time in advance (a year ahead is a good idea).
  • Decide on the days for the celebration (often Friday, Saturday, and/or Sunday events).
  • Start sharing and posting dates and requesting old and new photos and stories.
  • Establish levels of participation interest (it grows depending on how active the contacts are).
  • Consider both the local and traveling alums, as well as what folks from all walks of life may be able to afford with regard to costs.
  • Contact local hotels for group prices if many grads are coming into town from elsewhere.
  • Determine venues based on hoped-for participation, safety, and costs.
  • Plan for financial viability (some items/places may require deposits).
  • Consider opening a bank account for this purpose
  • Request upfront donations to cover required deposits.
  • Make sure that everyone’s event costs can be covered by soliciting volunteer donations.
  • Decide what to charge (if anything) and what to do with any remaining funds (donating to PK is always an option!).

P.K. Yonge Reunion Guidelines

Individual PKY classes or class groups are responsible for planning and promoting a reunion. The PKY can assist, primarily in an advisory capacity, as to what has worked in the past and in connecting groups with successful Reunion Committees. UF P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School warmly welcomes reunions and graduates of the school.