2024–2025 Performing Arts Season
August 2024 Performances
Marching Band Stand & Halftime Performances at Football Games:
Beginning in August, the Blue Wave Marching Band and Color Guard perform at home and away football games. They hype up the football team and crowd with popular spirit tunes and then showcase their competition show at halftime.
September 2024 Performances
October 2024 Performances
Homecoming Parade:
Bringing the spirit and music to the P.K. Yonge Homecoming Parade, the Marching Band and Color Guard lead the way.
Band BOA:
The Marching Band attended the Bands of America marching band regional competition in Orlando, competing against bands from the southeast US.
Band MPA:
The Florida Bandmasters Association hosts a District Marching Performance Assessment (MPA) for marching bands in North Central Florida. At MPA, students are adjudicated and are given ratings of superior, excellent, good, fair, or poor. The Blue Wave Marching Band has a long history of superior ratings at this event
November 2024 Performances
North Florida Regional Honors Chorus:
Seven elementary chorus students who auditioned for membership in the group performed with guest conductors.
Band FFCC “Outdoor” State Band Championships:
The band competed in the 1A division against ten other bands in Florida. They were awarded Best in Class Music and 1st place overall. This is our Marching Band’s first state championship!
Fall Play:
Every fall, vocal and dramatic arts students present a fall straight play. The 2024 performance will be the classic Alice in Wonderland. Past shows have included Murder on the Orient Express, Ax of Murder, and Dracula.
- Alice in Wonderland Synopsis: As the curtain rises, Alice slides into view at the end of her long fall down the rabbit hole. It is a more delightful place for the audience than for Alice, who is trying desperately to get back home. She tries to get help from the Mad Hatter, the Rabbit, and the very nice Cheshire Cat. Long enough to contain the most delightful incidents, it is short enough to keep the audience’s attention.
- Performance Dates: November 14–16, 2024
K/1 Thanksgiving Performance:
Our youngest performers from kindergarten and 1st grade have the opportunity to sing on stage during the annual Elementary Thanksgiving Feast. Families are invited to PK to celebrate together.
December 2024 Performances
Modern Music School Day Performance:
Finishing out the final days of the semester before the winter break, teachers are invited to bring their students to a festive music show full of original music written by the students and cover tunes. Our students are sure to “rock” the house with this performance, and you might even hear a festive tune or two!
K-12 Vocal Concert:
This year PK welcomes back a long tradition of bringing our elementary through high school vocal for a night of festive music.
Band Concert
Middle school and high school band students come together to perform a holiday concert full of spirited music of the season. This concert also showcases the Marching Band’s final standstill performance of the year where the band members surround the audience for a unique up close and personal event.
January 2025 Performances
All-State Elementary Chorus:
Two elementary chorus students auditioned and were selected to represent P.K. Yonge at the Florida Music Education Association All-State convention in Tampa. They will perform with outstanding student musicians from all over the state of Florida. The FMEA convention is a yearly gathering of all music teachers and the top student musicians throughout the state.
February 2025 Performances
Thespian Showcase:
The Vocal and Dramatic Arts program presents short solos, duets, and small ensemble one-act performances at P.K. Yonge before taking those performances on the road for the Thespian Festival and Adjudication.
Band Solo & Ensemble:
This is an optional event hosted by the Florida Bandmasters Association for middle and high school instrumentalists. Many PK students choose to play a solo or play in a small ensemble for music adjudicators. Musician performers are given ratings of superior, excellent, good, fair, and poor for their performance.
March 2025 Performances
8th-Grade Musical:
P.K. Yonge welcomes back an 8th-grade musical production this year. For the 2024–25 school year 8th-grade Vocal and Dramatic Arts students will perform Beatlejuice Jr. All students in the 8th-grade VDA will be a part of this fun performance on March 1st. Tickets will be available in February.
Band Concert MPA:
Another event hosted by the Florida Bandmasters Association, where middle and high concert bands perform for ratings from esteemed music adjudicators. This event requires each band to perform three pieces of contrasting styles and to sight-read a piece of music they have never seen before.
2/3 Book Musical:
This is the inaugural year that our 2nd- and 3rd-grade students will be performing a mini-book musical. The performance will include singing, acting, and an exciting story based on a popular children’s book.
4th-Grade Performance:
The 4th-grade class will take the stage to showcase their music learning and will be featured at the Spring Family Picnic.
Thespians State Festival:
If the Thespian troupe is successful at their district thespian performance, they will once again take their shows on the road to be adjudicated at the state level among other top-performing schools in Florida.
Alachua County Honors Band:
Middle and high school students can audition for a seat in the honors bands. A guest conductor leads these groups, made of the top performing musicians in Alachua County, for a prestigious concert in March.
April 2025 Performances
MS Concert (Band, MB, VDA):
The middle grades classes come together for one large showcase of all the unique programming that takes place in the PAC. There will be singing and dancing from the VDA students, concert band selections from our traditional band students, and rock performances from the modern music program all showcased during this special performance.
Spring Musical:
Chicago–Teen Edition
May 2025 Performances
HS Band Concert:
This show features high school students performing their top selections and most advanced music literature of the year for a special night of music. Seniors are recognized and celebrated at this event as they perform together for their final concert.
HS VDA Showcase:
This is the final showcase of events for the VDA program. All aspects of the program are on the stage for this final performance of the year. Singing, dancing, acting, group ensembles, small ensembles, and solo perfomances will fill the evening with quality entertainment.
R-Evolution is the final festival-style event hosted by the modern music program. Middle and high school student performers fill the evening with “rock band” style outdoor performances at a carnival-style event with two rotating stages. With bounce houses, dunk tanks, an array of food trucks, and more, this is an exciting event that brings the PK community together. The top five groups finish out the evening with an indoor show with professional lights and sound that will be sure to bring you to your feet.
Cross the Creek:
The traditional Cross the Creek ceremony is a time when 5th graders “cross the creek” into 6th grade. The pep band welcomes the 5th graders with spirit music and cheer!
Commencement is the culmination of our seniors’ time at P.K. Yonge. The symphonic band, senior chorus, and select modern music students perform as part of the graduation program.