Exceptional Student Education

P.K. Yonge’s Exceptional Student Education (ESE) goal is to help our students position themselves to be creative, dedicated, and resilient learners who embrace the power of diverse ideas, talents, and cultures to improve the world. Students from kindergarten through twelfth grade qualify for special services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) here at P.K. Yonge.

When students become eligible for ESE services under at least one of the exceptionalities, our K-12 Learning Community Leaders collaborate with the students and their families to ensure that a continuum of services are provided, along with accommodations and goals that are developed and progress-monitored. Additional support services such as occupational therapy, speech therapy, language therapy, and mental health counseling are also provided to students with exceptionalities.

IEP, 504 Plan, and Gifted Overview | Multi-Tiered System of Supports | Student Success Teams (SST)

Team Members

K-12 ESE Coordinator
Kim Dotts-Hoehnle

K-12 Gifted Coordinator
K-8 Math Professional Learning
Dr. Ross Van Boven

ESE Administrative Specialist
Mrs. Tish Andrews-Hawkins

IEP | 504 | EP  Managers

K/1 Learning Community Leader – Mrs. Jill Ozog
2/3 Learning Community Leader – Mrs. Dicy Watson
4/5 Learning Community Leader – Mrs. Michelle Mills

6th-8th Grade

9-12 Learning Coaches


Kindergarten – 5th Grade – Dr. Bryce Stevenson, Ed.S.
6th – 8th Grade – Ms. Devin Bogart
9th -10th Grade – Mrs. Catherine Walker
11th-12th Grade – Mrs. Christie McElroy

Related Services

K-12 School Psychologist
Heather Roessler, Ed.S.

K-12 Speech and Language Pathologist
Mrs. Deidre Dodd

K-12 Occupational Therapist
Mrs. Marcie Schneider

Mrs. Eva Gonzalez

IEP, 504 Plan, and Gifted Overview

To download the table below:  IEP | 504 Plan | Gifted Overview