Visual Arts | Middle School

Welcome to the Middle School Art Studio
6th and 7th Grade
Students investigate a wide range of media and techniques, from both an historical and contemporary perspective, as they engage in the art-making processes of creating two-dimensional works, which will include drawing, color theory and painting, . Student artists reflect on their own artwork and that of others through critical analysis to achieve artistic goals related to craftsmanship, technique, and application of 21st-century skills. Opportunities are provided for creative decision-making in the context of the structural elements of art and the organizational principles of design. This course incorporates hands-on activities and consumption of art materials.
Take a Peek Into the Art Studio!
Course Resources
Students go to CANVAS to access class resources and curriculum.
Chromebook Problems?
If a student has issues with their Chromebook, they can fill out a Help Ticket request. The technology department will contact them during school hours to resolve the issue.
Campus Health – COVID-19
For information regarding P.K. Yonge’s COVID-19 Campus response and links to updates, visit Campus Health – COVID-19.
Supporting Students Learning from Home
For suggestions for families as they work with students spending extended periods off campus, visit Supporting Students Learning from Home. Families can also create a Canvas family account to help support student learning. Families use this Canvas link to find Canvas | Creating Family Accounts – Instructions and a link to log in.