P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff

Jeremey Ahlgren Elementary Behavior Coach Email: jahlgren@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Farresa Allen-Rutledge Instructor | Middle School Math | 7th Grade Email: fallenrutledge@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Gabby Amirin Instructor | Elementary School | 3rd Grade Email: gamirin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Lilly Anderson Instructor | Middle School Math | Pre-Algebra Email: landerson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Renee Andrews Associate University School Professor | High School Science | Environmental Science/Marine Science Email: randrews@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Tish Andrews-Hawkins Administrative Specialist | Exceptional Student Education Email: tandrewshawkins@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9062 Profile Page
Kelly Barrett Instructor | Secondary Physical Education | Coach: Golf Email: kbarrett@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Brad Bell Instructor | Middle School Math | 7th Grade Email: bbell@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Johnny Bell Instructor | Middle School Math | 6th Grade Email: jbell@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Officer Henri Belleville School Resource Officer Email: sro@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kristina Belvin Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies Email: kbelvin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jennifer Bennett Instructor | High School | Digital Media Design & BluePrint Entrepreneurial Program Email: jbennett@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Lillian Bing Instructor | High School Social Studies | Pre-AP World History Email: lbing@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Christa Blaske Instructor | Middle School Social Studies | 6th Grade Email: cblaske@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Damien Boada Instructor | Middle/High School Computer Science | AP Computer Science, MS Computer Science Email: dboada@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Devin Bogart School Counselor | Middle School Email: dbogart@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
John Bourn Instructor | Middle School Social Studies | Pre-AP World History Email: jbourn@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Joy Boykin Custodian Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Brenda Breil Assistant University School Professor | Middle/High School Engineering & Science | HS Genetics, MS Engineering Email: bbreil@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Leigh Anne Brewster Instructor | High School Engineering | Project Lead the Way (PLTW) | STEAM Education Specialist Email: labrewster@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Carla-Ann Brown University School Assistant Professor | Middle/High School | Secondary Learning Coach Email: cbrown@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Rob Brunson Secondary Behavior Coach | Coach: Baseball Email: rbrunson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jamie Burg Assistant University School Professor | High School Band | Guitar and Instrumental Ensemble Email: jburg@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Chuck Commeret Instructor | Elementary School | 1st Grade | Coach: MS Girls Basketball Email: ccommeret@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Maggie Conley Facilities Operations Specialist Email: mconley@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Katie Corbin Instructor | High School | College & Career Readiness Email: kcorbin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Mayra Cordero Assistant University School Professor | High School Science | Chemistry Email: mcordero@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Rob Cox Blue Wave After School Owner | Coach: MS Boys Basketball Email: bluewaveafterschool@gmail.com Phone: 352-871-3979 Profile Page
Ewelina Czyz Instructor | High School Language Arts | Pre-AP English 1 Email: eczyz@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kara Dawson Coach: Swimming Email: bluewaveswim@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Melissa De Leon Mann Instructor | Elementary School | Physical Education Email: mdeleonmann@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Felisha Debose Food Service Assistant Email: cafeteria@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Luigi DiFranco Instructor | Middle School Computer Science | Computer Science Email: ldifranco@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Deidre Dodd Speech Language Pathologist Email: ddodd@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kim Dotts-Hoehnle Exceptional Student Education Coordinator Email: kdottshoehnle@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Emily Eubanks Assistant Director of Communications Email: eeubanks@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Lisa Fabulich Instructor | Middle School Science | 8th Grade Email: lfabulich@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kevin Fabulich Instructor | High School Social Studies | Economics and Government Email: kfabulich@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Angela Flavin University School Associate Professor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Language Arts & Social Studies Email: aflavin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Martha Flinchum Data Entry | Student Records Email: mflinchum@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9082 Profile Page
Valerie Flournoy Athletic Director Email: vflournoy@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Andrez Fox Custodian Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Lindsey Franklin Instructor | High School Language Arts | AP English Literature | Coach: Girls Tennis Email: lfranklin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Christy Gabbard Director of Secondary Programs | Assistant University School Professor Email: cgabbard@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Carrie Geiger Middle & High School Principal | University School Associate Professor Email: cgeiger@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Eva Gonzalez Nurse Email: nurse@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.7293 Profile Page
Angela Gonzalez Instructor | Elementary School | 3rd-5th Grade Math Specialist Email: agonzalez@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Neal Haines Instructor | Elementary School | 3rd Grade Email: nhaines@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Joshua Hammond Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Math, Science, and Social Studies Email: jhammond@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Susan Hansen Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies Email: shansen@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Heidi Harriss Instructor | Middle/High School Performing Arts | Vocal Ensemble Email: hharriss@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Hakeem Hasan Instructor | High School Social Studies | AP Capstone Seminar and College & Career Readiness Email: hhasan@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Kamie Hemmerich Instructor | High School Performing Arts | Theater Email: khemmerich@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Charlotte Henry Instructor | High School Language Arts | AP English Language & Composition Email: chenry@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Cathryn Hierak Instructor | High School Science | Chemistry Email: chierak@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Willie Jackson Head Football Coach | FLVS Coordinator Email: wjackson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Sir Jackson Instructor | High School | Critical Thinking | Coach: Football Email: sjackson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Natalie James Instructor | Elementary School | 1st Grade Email: njames@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Kathryn Janicke Instructor | Middle/High School | Secondary Learning Coach Email: kjanicke@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Susan Irene Johnson Assistant University School Professor | Middle/High School Visual Arts | Studio Art & Creative Photography Email: sijohnson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Amy Kim Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Math, Science, and Social Studies Email: akim@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Megan Koppitch Librarian/Media Specialist | Senior Class Sponsor Email: mkoppitch@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Clint Kovach Assistant University School Professor | High School Social Studies | AP US History and US History Email: ckovach@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
RaeAnna Kramer Instructor | Elementary School | 2nd Grade Email: rkramer@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Gabe Lee Technology Integration Email: glee@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Eric Lemstrom Assistant University School Professor | High School Language Arts | Pre-AP English 2 Email: elemstrom@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Greg Lincoln Instructor | High School Social Studies and Math | Psychology and Statistics Email: glincoln@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Greg Linne Instructor | High School Social Studies | AP World History and World History Email: glinne@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Joseph Locke Network Administrator Email: jlocke@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Mickey MacDonald Director of Research, Assessment and Accountability | University School Professor Email: mmacdonald@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Brian K. Marchman, Ph.D. Director & Superintendent | Professor, College of Education Email: marchman@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Robert Marski Instructor | Middle/High School Performing Arts | Band Director Email: rmarski@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jessica McConnell Instructor | Elementary School | Kindergarten Email: jmcconnell@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Marcus McDonald Assistant Principal of Facilities | School Safety Specialist Email: mmcdonald@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Christie McElroy Counselor | High School: 11th-12th Grade | Career & Technical Education Coordinator Email: cmcelroy@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Michel Mcleod Fiscal Assistant III Email: cashier@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Jan Merritt Instructor | Middle School Math | 7th Grade Math Email: jmerritt@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jillian Miley Instructor | Middle School Language Arts | 7th Grade Email: jmiley@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Megan Miller Instructor | Middle School Social Studies | Civics Email: mmiller@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Michelle Mills Instructor | Elementary School | 4/5 Learning Community Leader Email: mmills@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Sara Montgomery Instructor | Middle School Science | 6th Grade Email: smontgomery@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Lissette Monzon Paz Instructor | High School World Languages | Spanish 1 and 2 Email: lmonzonpaz@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Brian Moody Instructor | Middle/High School Visual Arts | AP Studio Art, Studio Art, 8th Grade Art Email: bmoody@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jon Mundorf University School Assistant Professor | Middle School Language Arts | 8th Grade Email: jmundorf@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Sanil Nadar Instructor | High School Science | Biology Email: snadar@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Ruthann Nashan Administrative Support Email: mainoffice@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Amy Neal Assistant Director, Administrative Services Email: aneal@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9094 Profile Page
Amanda Ortiz Instructor | World Languages | Middle School Spanish Email: aortiz@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jill Ozog Instructor | Elementary School | K/1 Learning Community Leader Email: jozog@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Julian Palechor Custodial Superintendent Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ashley Pennypacker Hill Elementary School Principal | University School Assistant Professor Email: ahill@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Christina Peters Food Service Assistant Email: cafeteria@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Michael Poole Instructor | Middle School Language Arts | 6th Grade Email: mpoole@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Caley Rappa University School Assistant Professor | Elementary | Kindergarten Email: cerappa@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Peggy Roach Instructor | High School Math | AP Calculus, AP Pre-Calculus, Algebra 2 Email: proach@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Heather Robinson Administrative Specialist II Email: hrobinson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9093 Profile Page
Grisell Santiago Associate University School Professor | High School World Languages | Spanish 2, 3, 4, and AP Spanish Email: gsantiago@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Rebecca Schackow Coach: Soccer - Girls Email: rebeccaschackow@gmail.com Phone: Profile Page
Alison Schackow Instructor | Elementary School | 1st Grade Email: aschackow@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Marci Schneider Occupational Therapist Email: ot@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Tredina Sheppard Assistant Principal of Academic Achievement | Assistant University School Professor Email: tsheppard@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Lindsey Smith IT Support Email: lsmith@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Jean Sterner Instructor | Middle/High School Math | Algebra 1 Email: jbolejack@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Bryce Stevenson School Counselor | Elementary School | Mental Health Counselor in Residence | Homeless Liaison Email: bstevenson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ryan Stewart Instructor | Middle/High School | Physical Education Email: rstewart@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Rachel Still Instructor | Middle School Science | 7th Grade Email: rstill@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Dawn Szymanski Accounting Specialist Email: dszymanski@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9092 Profile Page
Kristin Taylor Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Math, Science, and Social Studies Email: ktaylor@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Mario Toussaint Instructor | High School Math | Geometry Email: mtoussaint@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jalea Turner Instructor | Elementary School | K-2nd Reading Specialist Email: jturner@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ellie Umpierre Instructor | Elementary School | 2nd Grade Email: eumpierre@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Ross Van Boven University School Associate Professor | K-8 Math Professional Learning Lead | K-12 Coordinator for Gifted Education | Coach: Tennis (Boys) Email: rvanboven@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Amery VanDeGrift Instructor | Elementary School | 2nd Grade Email: avandegrift@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Sandra Villanueva Administrative Support | Main Office | Attendance Email: svillanueva@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Catherine Walker School Counselor | High School: 9th-10th Grade Email: cwalker@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Dicy Watson Assistant University School Professor | Elementary School | 2/3 Learning Community Leader Email: dwatson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Megan Weber Instructor | High School Language Arts | AP English Language & Composition Email: mweber@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Kristin Weller Associate University School Professor | Middle School Math | Pre-Algebra Email: kweller@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Trace Williams Custodial Supervisor Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Matthew Yohn Gate Guard Email: gateguard@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Andrea Zazo Instructor | Middle School Physical Education | 6th/7th Grade Email: azazo@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Fabiana Zreibi Admissions Officer Email: fzreibi@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Administration

Emily Eubanks Assistant Director of Communications Email: eeubanks@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Valerie Flournoy Athletic Director Email: vflournoy@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Christy Gabbard Director of Secondary Programs | Assistant University School Professor Email: cgabbard@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Carrie Geiger Middle & High School Principal | University School Associate Professor Email: cgeiger@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Mickey MacDonald Director of Research, Assessment and Accountability | University School Professor Email: mmacdonald@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Brian K. Marchman, Ph.D. Director & Superintendent | Professor, College of Education Email: marchman@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Marcus McDonald Assistant Principal of Facilities | School Safety Specialist Email: mmcdonald@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ashley Pennypacker Hill Elementary School Principal | University School Assistant Professor Email: ahill@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Tredina Sheppard Assistant Principal of Academic Achievement | Assistant University School Professor Email: tsheppard@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Admissions

Fabiana Zreibi Admissions Officer Email: fzreibi@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Athletics

Kelly Barrett Instructor | Secondary Physical Education | Coach: Golf Email: kbarrett@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Rob Brunson Secondary Behavior Coach | Coach: Baseball Email: rbrunson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kara Dawson Coach: Swimming Email: bluewaveswim@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Melissa De Leon Mann Instructor | Elementary School | Physical Education Email: mdeleonmann@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kevin Fabulich Instructor | High School Social Studies | Economics and Government Email: kfabulich@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Valerie Flournoy Athletic Director Email: vflournoy@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Lindsey Franklin Instructor | High School Language Arts | AP English Literature | Coach: Girls Tennis Email: lfranklin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Marcus McDonald Assistant Principal of Facilities | School Safety Specialist Email: mmcdonald@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Rebecca Schackow Coach: Soccer - Girls Email: rebeccaschackow@gmail.com Phone: Profile Page
Ryan Stewart Instructor | Middle/High School | Physical Education Email: rstewart@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ross Van Boven University School Associate Professor | K-8 Math Professional Learning Lead | K-12 Coordinator for Gifted Education | Coach: Tennis (Boys) Email: rvanboven@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Building Services

Joy Boykin Custodian Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Maggie Conley Facilities Operations Specialist Email: mconley@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Andrez Fox Custodian Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Julian Palechor Custodial Superintendent Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Trace Williams Custodial Supervisor Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Matthew Yohn Gate Guard Email: gateguard@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Business Office

Michel Mcleod Fiscal Assistant III Email: cashier@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Amy Neal Assistant Director, Administrative Services Email: aneal@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9094 Profile Page
Heather Robinson Administrative Specialist II Email: hrobinson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9093 Profile Page
Dawn Szymanski Accounting Specialist Email: dszymanski@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9092 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Cafeteria

Felisha Debose Food Service Assistant Email: cafeteria@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Christina Peters Food Service Assistant Email: cafeteria@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Club Sponsor

Renee Andrews Associate University School Professor | High School Science | Environmental Science/Marine Science Email: randrews@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jennifer Bennett Instructor | High School | Digital Media Design & BluePrint Entrepreneurial Program Email: jbennett@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Leigh Anne Brewster Instructor | High School Engineering | Project Lead the Way (PLTW) | STEAM Education Specialist Email: labrewster@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Lindsey Franklin Instructor | High School Language Arts | AP English Literature | Coach: Girls Tennis Email: lfranklin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Susan Irene Johnson Assistant University School Professor | Middle/High School Visual Arts | Studio Art & Creative Photography Email: sijohnson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Greg Lincoln Instructor | High School Social Studies and Math | Psychology and Statistics Email: glincoln@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Sara Montgomery Instructor | Middle School Science | 6th Grade Email: smontgomery@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Sanil Nadar Instructor | High School Science | Biology Email: snadar@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Michael Poole Instructor | Middle School Language Arts | 6th Grade Email: mpoole@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Grisell Santiago Associate University School Professor | High School World Languages | Spanish 2, 3, 4, and AP Spanish Email: gsantiago@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Coaches

Kelly Barrett Instructor | Secondary Physical Education | Coach: Golf Email: kbarrett@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Rob Brunson Secondary Behavior Coach | Coach: Baseball Email: rbrunson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Chuck Commeret Instructor | Elementary School | 1st Grade | Coach: MS Girls Basketball Email: ccommeret@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Rob Cox Blue Wave After School Owner | Coach: MS Boys Basketball Email: bluewaveafterschool@gmail.com Phone: 352-871-3979 Profile Page
Kara Dawson Coach: Swimming Email: bluewaveswim@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Valerie Flournoy Athletic Director Email: vflournoy@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Lindsey Franklin Instructor | High School Language Arts | AP English Literature | Coach: Girls Tennis Email: lfranklin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Willie Jackson Head Football Coach | FLVS Coordinator Email: wjackson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Sir Jackson Instructor | High School | Critical Thinking | Coach: Football Email: sjackson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Marcus McDonald Assistant Principal of Facilities | School Safety Specialist Email: mmcdonald@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Rebecca Schackow Coach: Soccer - Girls Email: rebeccaschackow@gmail.com Phone: Profile Page
Ross Van Boven University School Associate Professor | K-8 Math Professional Learning Lead | K-12 Coordinator for Gifted Education | Coach: Tennis (Boys) Email: rvanboven@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Counselors

Devin Bogart School Counselor | Middle School Email: dbogart@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kim Dotts-Hoehnle Exceptional Student Education Coordinator Email: kdottshoehnle@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Christie McElroy Counselor | High School: 11th-12th Grade | Career & Technical Education Coordinator Email: cmcelroy@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Bryce Stevenson School Counselor | Elementary School | Mental Health Counselor in Residence | Homeless Liaison Email: bstevenson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Catherine Walker School Counselor | High School: 9th-10th Grade Email: cwalker@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Elementary School Teachers

Jeremey Ahlgren Elementary Behavior Coach Email: jahlgren@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Gabby Amirin Instructor | Elementary School | 3rd Grade Email: gamirin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Kristina Belvin Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies Email: kbelvin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Chuck Commeret Instructor | Elementary School | 1st Grade | Coach: MS Girls Basketball Email: ccommeret@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Melissa De Leon Mann Instructor | Elementary School | Physical Education Email: mdeleonmann@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kim Dotts-Hoehnle Exceptional Student Education Coordinator Email: kdottshoehnle@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Angela Flavin University School Associate Professor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Language Arts & Social Studies Email: aflavin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Carrie Geiger Middle & High School Principal | University School Associate Professor Email: cgeiger@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Angela Gonzalez Instructor | Elementary School | 3rd-5th Grade Math Specialist Email: agonzalez@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Neal Haines Instructor | Elementary School | 3rd Grade Email: nhaines@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Joshua Hammond Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Math, Science, and Social Studies Email: jhammond@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Susan Hansen Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies Email: shansen@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Natalie James Instructor | Elementary School | 1st Grade Email: njames@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Amy Kim Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Math, Science, and Social Studies Email: akim@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Megan Koppitch Librarian/Media Specialist | Senior Class Sponsor Email: mkoppitch@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
RaeAnna Kramer Instructor | Elementary School | 2nd Grade Email: rkramer@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Gabe Lee Technology Integration Email: glee@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jessica McConnell Instructor | Elementary School | Kindergarten Email: jmcconnell@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Michelle Mills Instructor | Elementary School | 4/5 Learning Community Leader Email: mmills@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Jill Ozog Instructor | Elementary School | K/1 Learning Community Leader Email: jozog@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ashley Pennypacker Hill Elementary School Principal | University School Assistant Professor Email: ahill@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Caley Rappa University School Assistant Professor | Elementary | Kindergarten Email: cerappa@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Alison Schackow Instructor | Elementary School | 1st Grade Email: aschackow@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Bryce Stevenson School Counselor | Elementary School | Mental Health Counselor in Residence | Homeless Liaison Email: bstevenson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kristin Taylor Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Math, Science, and Social Studies Email: ktaylor@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Jalea Turner Instructor | Elementary School | K-2nd Reading Specialist Email: jturner@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ellie Umpierre Instructor | Elementary School | 2nd Grade Email: eumpierre@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Ross Van Boven University School Associate Professor | K-8 Math Professional Learning Lead | K-12 Coordinator for Gifted Education | Coach: Tennis (Boys) Email: rvanboven@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Amery VanDeGrift Instructor | Elementary School | 2nd Grade Email: avandegrift@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Dicy Watson Assistant University School Professor | Elementary School | 2/3 Learning Community Leader Email: dwatson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Faculty

Farresa Allen-Rutledge Instructor | Middle School Math | 7th Grade Email: fallenrutledge@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Gabby Amirin Instructor | Elementary School | 3rd Grade Email: gamirin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Lilly Anderson Instructor | Middle School Math | Pre-Algebra Email: landerson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Renee Andrews Associate University School Professor | High School Science | Environmental Science/Marine Science Email: randrews@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kelly Barrett Instructor | Secondary Physical Education | Coach: Golf Email: kbarrett@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Brad Bell Instructor | Middle School Math | 7th Grade Email: bbell@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Johnny Bell Instructor | Middle School Math | 6th Grade Email: jbell@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kristina Belvin Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies Email: kbelvin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jennifer Bennett Instructor | High School | Digital Media Design & BluePrint Entrepreneurial Program Email: jbennett@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Lillian Bing Instructor | High School Social Studies | Pre-AP World History Email: lbing@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Christa Blaske Instructor | Middle School Social Studies | 6th Grade Email: cblaske@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Damien Boada Instructor | Middle/High School Computer Science | AP Computer Science, MS Computer Science Email: dboada@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Devin Bogart School Counselor | Middle School Email: dbogart@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
John Bourn Instructor | Middle School Social Studies | Pre-AP World History Email: jbourn@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Brenda Breil Assistant University School Professor | Middle/High School Engineering & Science | HS Genetics, MS Engineering Email: bbreil@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Leigh Anne Brewster Instructor | High School Engineering | Project Lead the Way (PLTW) | STEAM Education Specialist Email: labrewster@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jamie Burg Assistant University School Professor | High School Band | Guitar and Instrumental Ensemble Email: jburg@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Chuck Commeret Instructor | Elementary School | 1st Grade | Coach: MS Girls Basketball Email: ccommeret@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Katie Corbin Instructor | High School | College & Career Readiness Email: kcorbin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Mayra Cordero Assistant University School Professor | High School Science | Chemistry Email: mcordero@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ewelina Czyz Instructor | High School Language Arts | Pre-AP English 1 Email: eczyz@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Melissa De Leon Mann Instructor | Elementary School | Physical Education Email: mdeleonmann@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Luigi DiFranco Instructor | Middle School Computer Science | Computer Science Email: ldifranco@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Deidre Dodd Speech Language Pathologist Email: ddodd@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kim Dotts-Hoehnle Exceptional Student Education Coordinator Email: kdottshoehnle@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Lisa Fabulich Instructor | Middle School Science | 8th Grade Email: lfabulich@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kevin Fabulich Instructor | High School Social Studies | Economics and Government Email: kfabulich@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Angela Flavin University School Associate Professor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Language Arts & Social Studies Email: aflavin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Valerie Flournoy Athletic Director Email: vflournoy@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Lindsey Franklin Instructor | High School Language Arts | AP English Literature | Coach: Girls Tennis Email: lfranklin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Carrie Geiger Middle & High School Principal | University School Associate Professor Email: cgeiger@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Angela Gonzalez Instructor | Elementary School | 3rd-5th Grade Math Specialist Email: agonzalez@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Neal Haines Instructor | Elementary School | 3rd Grade Email: nhaines@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Joshua Hammond Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Math, Science, and Social Studies Email: jhammond@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Susan Hansen Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies Email: shansen@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Heidi Harriss Instructor | Middle/High School Performing Arts | Vocal Ensemble Email: hharriss@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Hakeem Hasan Instructor | High School Social Studies | AP Capstone Seminar and College & Career Readiness Email: hhasan@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Kamie Hemmerich Instructor | High School Performing Arts | Theater Email: khemmerich@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Charlotte Henry Instructor | High School Language Arts | AP English Language & Composition Email: chenry@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Cathryn Hierak Instructor | High School Science | Chemistry Email: chierak@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Willie Jackson Head Football Coach | FLVS Coordinator Email: wjackson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Sir Jackson Instructor | High School | Critical Thinking | Coach: Football Email: sjackson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Natalie James Instructor | Elementary School | 1st Grade Email: njames@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Kathryn Janicke Instructor | Middle/High School | Secondary Learning Coach Email: kjanicke@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Susan Irene Johnson Assistant University School Professor | Middle/High School Visual Arts | Studio Art & Creative Photography Email: sijohnson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Amy Kim Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Math, Science, and Social Studies Email: akim@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Megan Koppitch Librarian/Media Specialist | Senior Class Sponsor Email: mkoppitch@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Clint Kovach Assistant University School Professor | High School Social Studies | AP US History and US History Email: ckovach@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
RaeAnna Kramer Instructor | Elementary School | 2nd Grade Email: rkramer@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Eric Lemstrom Assistant University School Professor | High School Language Arts | Pre-AP English 2 Email: elemstrom@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Greg Lincoln Instructor | High School Social Studies and Math | Psychology and Statistics Email: glincoln@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Greg Linne Instructor | High School Social Studies | AP World History and World History Email: glinne@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Mickey MacDonald Director of Research, Assessment and Accountability | University School Professor Email: mmacdonald@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Brian K. Marchman, Ph.D. Director & Superintendent | Professor, College of Education Email: marchman@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Robert Marski Instructor | Middle/High School Performing Arts | Band Director Email: rmarski@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jessica McConnell Instructor | Elementary School | Kindergarten Email: jmcconnell@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Marcus McDonald Assistant Principal of Facilities | School Safety Specialist Email: mmcdonald@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jan Merritt Instructor | Middle School Math | 7th Grade Math Email: jmerritt@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jillian Miley Instructor | Middle School Language Arts | 7th Grade Email: jmiley@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Megan Miller Instructor | Middle School Social Studies | Civics Email: mmiller@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Michelle Mills Instructor | Elementary School | 4/5 Learning Community Leader Email: mmills@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Sara Montgomery Instructor | Middle School Science | 6th Grade Email: smontgomery@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Lissette Monzon Paz Instructor | High School World Languages | Spanish 1 and 2 Email: lmonzonpaz@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Brian Moody Instructor | Middle/High School Visual Arts | AP Studio Art, Studio Art, 8th Grade Art Email: bmoody@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jon Mundorf University School Assistant Professor | Middle School Language Arts | 8th Grade Email: jmundorf@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Sanil Nadar Instructor | High School Science | Biology Email: snadar@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Amanda Ortiz Instructor | World Languages | Middle School Spanish Email: aortiz@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jill Ozog Instructor | Elementary School | K/1 Learning Community Leader Email: jozog@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ashley Pennypacker Hill Elementary School Principal | University School Assistant Professor Email: ahill@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Michael Poole Instructor | Middle School Language Arts | 6th Grade Email: mpoole@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Caley Rappa University School Assistant Professor | Elementary | Kindergarten Email: cerappa@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Peggy Roach Instructor | High School Math | AP Calculus, AP Pre-Calculus, Algebra 2 Email: proach@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Grisell Santiago Associate University School Professor | High School World Languages | Spanish 2, 3, 4, and AP Spanish Email: gsantiago@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Alison Schackow Instructor | Elementary School | 1st Grade Email: aschackow@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Tredina Sheppard Assistant Principal of Academic Achievement | Assistant University School Professor Email: tsheppard@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jean Sterner Instructor | Middle/High School Math | Algebra 1 Email: jbolejack@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Ryan Stewart Instructor | Middle/High School | Physical Education Email: rstewart@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Rachel Still Instructor | Middle School Science | 7th Grade Email: rstill@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kristin Taylor Instructor | Elementary School | 4th/5th Grade Math, Science, and Social Studies Email: ktaylor@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Mario Toussaint Instructor | High School Math | Geometry Email: mtoussaint@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jalea Turner Instructor | Elementary School | K-2nd Reading Specialist Email: jturner@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ellie Umpierre Instructor | Elementary School | 2nd Grade Email: eumpierre@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Ross Van Boven University School Associate Professor | K-8 Math Professional Learning Lead | K-12 Coordinator for Gifted Education | Coach: Tennis (Boys) Email: rvanboven@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Amery VanDeGrift Instructor | Elementary School | 2nd Grade Email: avandegrift@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Catherine Walker School Counselor | High School: 9th-10th Grade Email: cwalker@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Dicy Watson Assistant University School Professor | Elementary School | 2/3 Learning Community Leader Email: dwatson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Megan Weber Instructor | High School Language Arts | AP English Language & Composition Email: mweber@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Kristin Weller Associate University School Professor | Middle School Math | Pre-Algebra Email: kweller@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Andrea Zazo Instructor | Middle School Physical Education | 6th/7th Grade Email: azazo@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - High School Teachers

Renee Andrews Associate University School Professor | High School Science | Environmental Science/Marine Science Email: randrews@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jennifer Bennett Instructor | High School | Digital Media Design & BluePrint Entrepreneurial Program Email: jbennett@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Lillian Bing Instructor | High School Social Studies | Pre-AP World History Email: lbing@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Damien Boada Instructor | Middle/High School Computer Science | AP Computer Science, MS Computer Science Email: dboada@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Brenda Breil Assistant University School Professor | Middle/High School Engineering & Science | HS Genetics, MS Engineering Email: bbreil@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Leigh Anne Brewster Instructor | High School Engineering | Project Lead the Way (PLTW) | STEAM Education Specialist Email: labrewster@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Carla-Ann Brown University School Assistant Professor | Middle/High School | Secondary Learning Coach Email: cbrown@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jamie Burg Assistant University School Professor | High School Band | Guitar and Instrumental Ensemble Email: jburg@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Katie Corbin Instructor | High School | College & Career Readiness Email: kcorbin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Mayra Cordero Assistant University School Professor | High School Science | Chemistry Email: mcordero@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ewelina Czyz Instructor | High School Language Arts | Pre-AP English 1 Email: eczyz@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kim Dotts-Hoehnle Exceptional Student Education Coordinator Email: kdottshoehnle@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Kevin Fabulich Instructor | High School Social Studies | Economics and Government Email: kfabulich@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Lindsey Franklin Instructor | High School Language Arts | AP English Literature | Coach: Girls Tennis Email: lfranklin@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Carrie Geiger Middle & High School Principal | University School Associate Professor Email: cgeiger@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Heidi Harriss Instructor | Middle/High School Performing Arts | Vocal Ensemble Email: hharriss@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Hakeem Hasan Instructor | High School Social Studies | AP Capstone Seminar and College & Career Readiness Email: hhasan@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Kamie Hemmerich Instructor | High School Performing Arts | Theater Email: khemmerich@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Charlotte Henry Instructor | High School Language Arts | AP English Language & Composition Email: chenry@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Cathryn Hierak Instructor | High School Science | Chemistry Email: chierak@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Willie Jackson Head Football Coach | FLVS Coordinator Email: wjackson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Sir Jackson Instructor | High School | Critical Thinking | Coach: Football Email: sjackson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Kathryn Janicke Instructor | Middle/High School | Secondary Learning Coach Email: kjanicke@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Susan Irene Johnson Assistant University School Professor | Middle/High School Visual Arts | Studio Art & Creative Photography Email: sijohnson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Megan Koppitch Librarian/Media Specialist | Senior Class Sponsor Email: mkoppitch@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Clint Kovach Assistant University School Professor | High School Social Studies | AP US History and US History Email: ckovach@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Gabe Lee Technology Integration Email: glee@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Eric Lemstrom Assistant University School Professor | High School Language Arts | Pre-AP English 2 Email: elemstrom@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Greg Lincoln Instructor | High School Social Studies and Math | Psychology and Statistics Email: glincoln@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Greg Linne Instructor | High School Social Studies | AP World History and World History Email: glinne@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Robert Marski Instructor | Middle/High School Performing Arts | Band Director Email: rmarski@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Lissette Monzon Paz Instructor | High School World Languages | Spanish 1 and 2 Email: lmonzonpaz@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Brian Moody Instructor | Middle/High School Visual Arts | AP Studio Art, Studio Art, 8th Grade Art Email: bmoody@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Sanil Nadar Instructor | High School Science | Biology Email: snadar@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Peggy Roach Instructor | High School Math | AP Calculus, AP Pre-Calculus, Algebra 2 Email: proach@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Grisell Santiago Associate University School Professor | High School World Languages | Spanish 2, 3, 4, and AP Spanish Email: gsantiago@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jean Sterner Instructor | Middle/High School Math | Algebra 1 Email: jbolejack@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Ryan Stewart Instructor | Middle/High School | Physical Education Email: rstewart@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Mario Toussaint Instructor | High School Math | Geometry Email: mtoussaint@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ross Van Boven University School Associate Professor | K-8 Math Professional Learning Lead | K-12 Coordinator for Gifted Education | Coach: Tennis (Boys) Email: rvanboven@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Catherine Walker School Counselor | High School: 9th-10th Grade Email: cwalker@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Megan Weber Instructor | High School Language Arts | AP English Language & Composition Email: mweber@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Learning Community Leaders

Kathryn Janicke Instructor | Middle/High School | Secondary Learning Coach Email: kjanicke@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Michelle Mills Instructor | Elementary School | 4/5 Learning Community Leader Email: mmills@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Jill Ozog Instructor | Elementary School | K/1 Learning Community Leader Email: jozog@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ross Van Boven University School Associate Professor | K-8 Math Professional Learning Lead | K-12 Coordinator for Gifted Education | Coach: Tennis (Boys) Email: rvanboven@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Dicy Watson Assistant University School Professor | Elementary School | 2/3 Learning Community Leader Email: dwatson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Library

Megan Koppitch Librarian/Media Specialist | Senior Class Sponsor Email: mkoppitch@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Middle School Teachers

Farresa Allen-Rutledge Instructor | Middle School Math | 7th Grade Email: fallenrutledge@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Lilly Anderson Instructor | Middle School Math | Pre-Algebra Email: landerson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Brad Bell Instructor | Middle School Math | 7th Grade Email: bbell@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Johnny Bell Instructor | Middle School Math | 6th Grade Email: jbell@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Christa Blaske Instructor | Middle School Social Studies | 6th Grade Email: cblaske@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Damien Boada Instructor | Middle/High School Computer Science | AP Computer Science, MS Computer Science Email: dboada@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Devin Bogart School Counselor | Middle School Email: dbogart@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
John Bourn Instructor | Middle School Social Studies | Pre-AP World History Email: jbourn@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Brenda Breil Assistant University School Professor | Middle/High School Engineering & Science | HS Genetics, MS Engineering Email: bbreil@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Carla-Ann Brown University School Assistant Professor | Middle/High School | Secondary Learning Coach Email: cbrown@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jamie Burg Assistant University School Professor | High School Band | Guitar and Instrumental Ensemble Email: jburg@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Luigi DiFranco Instructor | Middle School Computer Science | Computer Science Email: ldifranco@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Kim Dotts-Hoehnle Exceptional Student Education Coordinator Email: kdottshoehnle@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Lisa Fabulich Instructor | Middle School Science | 8th Grade Email: lfabulich@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Carrie Geiger Middle & High School Principal | University School Associate Professor Email: cgeiger@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Heidi Harriss Instructor | Middle/High School Performing Arts | Vocal Ensemble Email: hharriss@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Kathryn Janicke Instructor | Middle/High School | Secondary Learning Coach Email: kjanicke@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Susan Irene Johnson Assistant University School Professor | Middle/High School Visual Arts | Studio Art & Creative Photography Email: sijohnson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Megan Koppitch Librarian/Media Specialist | Senior Class Sponsor Email: mkoppitch@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Gabe Lee Technology Integration Email: glee@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Robert Marski Instructor | Middle/High School Performing Arts | Band Director Email: rmarski@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jan Merritt Instructor | Middle School Math | 7th Grade Math Email: jmerritt@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jillian Miley Instructor | Middle School Language Arts | 7th Grade Email: jmiley@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Megan Miller Instructor | Middle School Social Studies | Civics Email: mmiller@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Sara Montgomery Instructor | Middle School Science | 6th Grade Email: smontgomery@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Brian Moody Instructor | Middle/High School Visual Arts | AP Studio Art, Studio Art, 8th Grade Art Email: bmoody@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jon Mundorf University School Assistant Professor | Middle School Language Arts | 8th Grade Email: jmundorf@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Amanda Ortiz Instructor | World Languages | Middle School Spanish Email: aortiz@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Michael Poole Instructor | Middle School Language Arts | 6th Grade Email: mpoole@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Jean Sterner Instructor | Middle/High School Math | Algebra 1 Email: jbolejack@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Ryan Stewart Instructor | Middle/High School | Physical Education Email: rstewart@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Rachel Still Instructor | Middle School Science | 7th Grade Email: rstill@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Ross Van Boven University School Associate Professor | K-8 Math Professional Learning Lead | K-12 Coordinator for Gifted Education | Coach: Tennis (Boys) Email: rvanboven@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Kristin Weller Associate University School Professor | Middle School Math | Pre-Algebra Email: kweller@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Andrea Zazo Instructor | Middle School Physical Education | 6th/7th Grade Email: azazo@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Performing Arts

Jamie Burg Assistant University School Professor | High School Band | Guitar and Instrumental Ensemble Email: jburg@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Heidi Harriss Instructor | Middle/High School Performing Arts | Vocal Ensemble Email: hharriss@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Kamie Hemmerich Instructor | High School Performing Arts | Theater Email: khemmerich@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Robert Marski Instructor | Middle/High School Performing Arts | Band Director Email: rmarski@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - School Counseling

Devin Bogart School Counselor | Middle School Email: dbogart@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Christie McElroy Counselor | High School: 11th-12th Grade | Career & Technical Education Coordinator Email: cmcelroy@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Catherine Walker School Counselor | High School: 9th-10th Grade Email: cwalker@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - School Psychology

Bryce Stevenson School Counselor | Elementary School | Mental Health Counselor in Residence | Homeless Liaison Email: bstevenson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - School Resource Officer

Officer Henri Belleville School Resource Officer Email: sro@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Special Programs

Marci Schneider Occupational Therapist Email: ot@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Speech and Language

Deidre Dodd Speech Language Pathologist Email: ddodd@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page

P.K. Yonge Faculty & Staff - Staff

Jeremey Ahlgren Elementary Behavior Coach Email: jahlgren@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Tish Andrews-Hawkins Administrative Specialist | Exceptional Student Education Email: tandrewshawkins@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9062 Profile Page
Joy Boykin Custodian Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Rob Brunson Secondary Behavior Coach | Coach: Baseball Email: rbrunson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Maggie Conley Facilities Operations Specialist Email: mconley@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Martha Flinchum Data Entry | Student Records Email: mflinchum@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9082 Profile Page
Andrez Fox Custodian Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Eva Gonzalez Nurse Email: nurse@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.7293 Profile Page
Joseph Locke Network Administrator Email: jlocke@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Michel Mcleod Fiscal Assistant III Email: cashier@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352-392-1554 Profile Page
Ruthann Nashan Administrative Support Email: mainoffice@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Amy Neal Assistant Director, Administrative Services Email: aneal@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9094 Profile Page
Julian Palechor Custodial Superintendent Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Heather Robinson Administrative Specialist II Email: hrobinson@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9093 Profile Page
Marci Schneider Occupational Therapist Email: ot@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Lindsey Smith IT Support Email: lsmith@pky.ufl.edu Phone: Profile Page
Dawn Szymanski Accounting Specialist Email: dszymanski@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.294.9092 Profile Page
Sandra Villanueva Administrative Support | Main Office | Attendance Email: svillanueva@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Trace Williams Custodial Supervisor Email: Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Matthew Yohn Gate Guard Email: gateguard@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page
Fabiana Zreibi Admissions Officer Email: fzreibi@pky.ufl.edu Phone: 352.392.1554 Profile Page