PTO: Meeting 9.12 | Carnival 11.3 | Donations Needed!
October 10, 2017The PKY Parent-Teacher Organization has A LOT going on, and YOU can be part of it.
Our next monthly meeting is this Thursday, October 12, 5:30-7pm in the Community Classroom. Food will be served, and [quiet] kids are welcome!
Mark your calendars: November 3rd is Carnival 3-6pm. Please join us for the fun!
We still need DONATIONS to our Carnival Baskets!
Elementary families click here for easy links to help.
Secondary families click here to help our Carnival Basket donations.
If you know of a business that would like to donate an item to our Carnival Baskets, click here for an acknowledgement letter.
BoxTops for Education are due October 13th. BoxTop collection sheets to print & fill can be found here. Please turn in to your teacher or the front office.
To learn more about the PTO: : Parent Teacher Organization
Stay up-to-date PTO on Facebook. Look for our latest Campus Connection newsletter coming soon.
Go Blue Wave!
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