How We Prioritize Safety
The P.K. Yonge school community includes members of staff whose duties are devoted to school safety—a School Safety Specialist, a School Resource Officer (SRO) from the University of Florida Police Department, and a Gate Guard. All members of the faculty and staff are also trained in safety procedures.
Knowing Our Students
At P.K. Yonge, we work on developing strong relationships with students that not only enhance academic and social-emotional success but also build a strong network of connections between students, faculty, and staff. These relationships help us know when students are struggling and help students feel safe in sharing concerns with adults on campus.
Restricted Access to Campus
As you know, access to campus during school hours is restricted. Family members and visitors must check-in at the gate with a state-issued ID and wear visitor identification badges while at P.K. Yonge. Faculty and staff also wear photo identification badges. Anyone found on campus without an identification badge will be escorted off campus by the School Resource Officer.
Emergency Preparedness
Our school community participates in emergency preparedness activities according to state requirements. Fire drills and active threat drills are age-appropriate and are designed to educate students in both group and personal safety.
Reporting Tools
FortifyFL | Details
FortifyFL is a state-wide anonymous reporting tool that delivers reports of threats and suspicious activity immediately to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials. At P.K. Yonge, these anonymous reports will be received by the University of Florida Police Department and the P.K. Yonge administration.
Emergency Response & Active Assailant Protocol
The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is used to respond to various dynamic situations on or near our campus. These responses are HOLD, SECURE, LOCKDOWN, EVACUATE, and SHELTER. (Link to English Poster) (Link to Spanish Poster)
Active assailant procedures are initiated when an imminent threat threatens the school community. Run, Hide, Fight is our chosen active assailant protocol, as it is endorsed by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security and is applicable in any active assailant situation.
Reunification Procedures occur when P.K. Yonge is unable to dismiss children in a normal release due to circumstances on or around campus. Reunification procedures ensure all students are properly reunited with parents/guardians in a safe and orderly fashion. This procedure occurs at UF Norman Hall and Library.