Re-Registration & Activity Fee Payments

To remain enrolled at P.K. Yonge, students must re-register each October for the next school year. For example, a family re-registers in October 2024 for the 2025–26 school year. Re-registration is accompanied by payment of a $150 non-refundable partial Activity Fee payment and re-registration form.

At P.K. Yonge, an annual Activity Fee of $300 per student is used to support student activities and services beyond the core instructional program. Like all public schools in Florida, P.K. Yonge does not charge tuition, and activity fee funds are not used to support facilities or school operations. Activity fees are due upon acceptance to P.K. Yonge and are paid annually for the coming school year. For example, a family pays their Activity Fee in October 2024 for the 2025–26 school year.

FERPA Directory Information (PDF)

Online Re-Registration & Activity Fee Payment

Click Here to PayOpens in the same tab.

Payments and forms may be completed online, mailed, or delivered by hand to the Cashier in the Business Office with required re-registration documents. P.K. Yonge DRS | 1200 SW 6th Street | Gainesville, FL 32601

Payments made after the deadline will incur a $50 late fee. Current students who do not re-register by October 31 and pay the $150 partial Activity Fee payment will NOT be enrolled at P.K. Yonge for the next school year. A parent/guardian may be required to submit a complete application to re-apply and enter the student selection program pool of applicants.


Re-Registration & Activity Fee Timeline

  • September 30: Re-registration opens.
  • October 31: Re-registration + $150 partial Activity Fee payment due.
  • April 15: $150 balance of the $300 Activity Fee due.
  • June 1: Re-registration close

Reduced Activity Fees

The Reduced Activity Fee schedule is based on eligibility guidelines established by the Federal Free or Reduced School Meals program. Those applying for a reduced Activity Fee must submit a 2024 1040 Federal Income Tax Form that lists the names of the children for whom the reduction is requested. If granted, the reduced Activity Fee will be adjusted per student per year to $150. Families will be notified if an application for a reduced Activity Fee is successful. Eligibility for fee reduction does not negate the $50 late fee per student if payments are not received by the deadline.

Activity Fee Refunds

For families accepting admission/enrollment to P.K. Yonge who have paid the full $300 Activity Fee and later terminate admission/enrollment:

Termination/Cancellation DateNon-RefundableCancellation FeeRefund
April 1 to April 30$150$100$50
May 1$150$150$0

About Activity Fees

The P.K. Yonge School Advisory Council reviews and approves the Activity Fee budget each year. The Activity Fee supports a wide range of activities, opportunities, and services for our students:

  • Athletic teams
  • Performing arts
  • A wide variety of clubs sponsored by P.K. Yonge faculty members
  • Academic field trips and off-campus learning experiences
  • School vehicles, fuel, and drivers for student activities